Sunday, April 20, 2014

Terrain Table Progress

Since my last blog post, I've had a decent amount of time to work on my terrain board. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. Check out how it turned out!

Putting the grass in:

Priming it black:

Green grass:

Unfortunately, I only bought one vial of each color of paint. All of this terrain work is on a scale that I'm just not used to working on. At least now I know how much more paint I need to finish my project. Once I get more paint and make more progress, I'll be sure to post the pictures. Keep checking back to see how things turn out!

While you're painting, check out the latest episode of The PodKastle. In this episode, I sit down for a segment or two! Stop on by for a listen!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

My First Terrain Project

Work has begun on my first terrain board! It's going to be a temperate board. My plan is to have an overall grassy board with a few roads on it. Modular terrain will include a whole lot of trees (for which I'll be using a whole bunch of Citadel Wood), a few hills, a small drilling operation, and a house and farm that I'm going to scratch build myself. As of right now, I'm just going to focus on the board itself.

If you remember, I have eighteen 2' x 2' boards, making three 6' x 4' tables. This is one such table. So far, I've gotten the roads constructed. Take a look!

Intially, the roads were drawn in pencil, then
with a Sharpie

The first board gets its road

All smoothed out. Now, I just brush off what didn't stick
and it comes out looking like a gravel road.

All the boards are finished and ready for the
next step: grassy plains
Next, I'll be gluing on the grass. I'll be using a fine flock for that. I don't think it looks realistic, but when I look at the test I did (wherein I painted the flock after the glue dried), I think it looks realistic enough to use on a larger scale. Keep checking back to see how the terrain boards turn out!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Trip to Cali, Great New Podcast

Just recently, I made another trip to California to visit my friend. While I was there, I was fortunate to meet up with another good friend of mine, Reuben Qualls. He and his friend Ray have started thier own podcast, which they are calling The PodKastle. It's quickly becoming one of my favorite podcasts.

While I was visiting, I had the opportunity to do a few segments on their show and talk about my blog. It was really cool to be able to talk about 40k and to answer a question from one of their listeners. While I spent most of the time talking about 40k and the blogging thereof, it's not the main focus of their show.

The main point of The PodKastle is to talk about tabletop gaming in general. They talk a little about 40k and a little about Magic: The Gathering and stuff like that, but they mostly talk about cool board games. I've found a lot of cool games to play with my wife because of recommendations from Reuben.

So why am I telling you all this? Everyone has aspirations of getting their significant other into 40k. I know I do. Starting my wife off with the kinds of games they talk about on their show is how I was able to get her to start playing 40k with me. Go ahead and give them a listen. They've got a lot of great things to talk about.

While I was in California, I was also able to get a game or two in with my other good friend, Sean. Our first game was down at Game Kastle. Check out the awesome terrain we played on! When I do my cityfight board, I'll be drawing a lot of inspiration from the pictures I took of this board.

Later that weekend, we played again at Sean's house. Since we didn't have any terrain to use, we used Legos! It ended up being a pretty neat Kill Team game!

Next week, we should be getting a look at all the work I've been doing on my terrain table. Check back soon to see how things turn out!