Sunday, October 26, 2014

Second Squad Complete!

 With work and school, it's taken me a long time to get this squad finished. It has a lot of new ideas in it, so take a look at how it turned out! Check out the Knights Bellicose page to see the new squad!

Also, I've posted the pictures right here for you!

Every squad has all three specialist weapons, so I have some
choices (no grav guns in the army, though).

This is the first squad to use the new plasma gun technique.

My two beakies. Now they're more important members of
the squad. In my army's fluff, there's two beakies per squad
and they're a specialist position.

This is the first marine I have to not wear
a helmet. In the future, there should be more
skins to come, so I'll have some racial
diversity in the army.

My first attempt at laurels. It came out well,
I think.

A nice shot of the bases. Differing bases will help tell the
squads apart on the battlefield. Check out the other squads
to see how they're different.

Squad marking. Almost everyone in the
Chapter will have one.

Group photo!

Up next is the Citadel Wood. This project will be the first of many, as I am planning on covering my board with forests. It'll be an interesting project as I want to try to find a way of painting in an economical fashion (so I don't have to paint each individual leaf). I think that drybrushing can tend to look too "lazy," but I'm going to see how maybe some washing looks. I'm just afraid that I'll mess it up if I try my layering technique on something like that. Any thoughts? Feel free to leave a comment about that.

Don't think I forgot about my skin tone test! I have some more ideas about that, so keep checking back!

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